NetSuite implementation


1 min read

NetSuite implementation involves setting up and configuring the NetSuite ERP system for an organization. Let’s explore the key steps and elements involved in a successful NetSuite implementation:

  1. Engage:

    • Establish ERP project teams, including project managers, engineers, and management.

    • Finalize project budgets, timelines, and change management plans.

    • Set up kick-off calls to align stakeholders.

  2. Drive:

    • Develop actionable plans for future ERP deployment.

    • Address customization needs (approximately 70% of respondents require some level of customization).

    • Plan for provisioning cloud-based applications or licenses.

    • Create a training plan.

  3. Enable:

    • Prepare for the go-live event.

    • Migrate critical data.

    • Put plans developed during the “Drive” stage into action (training, installation, solution testing).

  4. Convert:

    • Finalize data migrations.

    • Transfer ownership of systems to the customer.

    • Essentially, flip the switch to go live with the ERP solution.

NetSuite Implementation Guide 2024 (